Home sweet home.

Home sweet home.
IQ of a spud and proud.

Thursday 17 June 2010

Vets are a bunch of Cunts!

My family might come from Norfolk, but my mum does not and she is no fool. After my rant about people paying shed loads of money to have pets treated for everything from bad breath to cancer fate comes knocking.

My parents elderly dog has been a tad under the weather lately. She hasn't fancied her food, or her daily walks. She hasn't even barked like a mo-fo at cyclists. So my Mum took her to the vet. Unfortunately, she as a ton of serious shit wrong with her, according to the vet who charged Mum £400 to do a couple of tests and give her some pills. It could be lymphatic cancer, a problem with her kidneys, or a few other life threatening illnesses! But no worries, because there are loads more tests they can do, including cutting the dog open to have a look about a bit. Then there is the possibility of years of treatment, even Chemo therapy that can be offered but obviously at a price. A fucking enormous price stretching into thousands of pounds and of course the dog might still die - no shit Sherlock the dog is 18!

However, if offering such treatment isn't fucked up enough the vet quietly asked my sister, who had gone with my mum, what the limit was on the dog's veterinary insurance!!!! What a cunt. I wonder why? So they could spend the lot doing endless tests, raising my mum's hopes and putting the dog through an exploratory operation to then either fleece my parents out of a ton of cash that they don't have, or put the dog down! Fuckers - how morally bankrupt? They don't care about the animal or the owner, they just want to tit about and charge bundles of cash for it.

So, what has Mum decided to do. Well, the pills the vet has given the dog seem to have perked her up and she is eating and skipping about. She even went ape shit at a cyclist. My parents will monitor her and if the pills don't work (as they are treating a possible infection from a tick bite) and the pup has cancer, she will be put down. The dog hates the vet even more than me, so I hope she sinks her teeth into the fucker just before she slips away and her last dream is catching an elusive cyclist and getting a mouthful of fat arse and lycra.

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