Home sweet home.

Home sweet home.
IQ of a spud and proud.

Tuesday 22 June 2010


So much to write about so little time.

The budget - what do Clegg and Alexander think they look like, staring up Osbourne's arse. They are of course just following orders. Clegg like a nodding dog - is that some kind of twitch he has developed from endless hours licking Cameron's ahole? Alexander looked like he has been given a wedgie by the big boys while they called him ginger balls.

You can't blame the Tories, you expect them to be a bunch of cunts, but the Lib Dems, surely their credibility is completely shot through - please let this be the beginning of the end. I want to see them tear each other to shreds like angry foxes in a maternity ward. So VAT to 20% but no tax on fags and booze and a council tax freeze. Surely VAT rise cancels both those out? In fact what actually are the sums? Lovely to see them support the really poor as so many more will be joining them.

The best news is that such a budget threatens a double dip recession and the housing market must be buggered. With housing benefit limits what about all those buy to let landlords that rely on high housing benefit - and lots I expect voted Tory - every cloud and all that.

Never mind - the good news is that the campaign to get Frank Sidebottom in the charts is going well. I have linked up with the Facebook group and we will pool our resources. Trying to get the song sorted. Stuff to do with royalties, getting it on itunes and then making sure Cancer Research gets the cash.

I am off to burn some money.

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