Home sweet home.

Home sweet home.
IQ of a spud and proud.

Tuesday 22 June 2010

Kick out the Scum!

The cap on housing benefit is a brilliant move and one that will really protect the poorest people in the county, because real poor people are nice. It is those scrounging, parasites living in mansions at our expense, that I hate. According to Campbell Rob,"The vast majority of housing benefit claimants are either pensioners, those with disabilities, people caring for a relative or hardworking people on low incomes," he works for Shelter, is probably a socialist and eats mung beans, so he would say that, wouldn't he?

Some old people might be living in little houses for tuppence ha'penny a week but I don't mind paying for them, it is those other fuckers I want kicked out onto the street. You know the ones, jamming up the supermarket checkout while they count out their pennies or the ones that are always in the doctors having there fat, swollen feet looked at. They are the ones claiming millions in benefits to live in huge bungalows by the sea, while they knit and watch Countdown and Cash in the Attic - greedy, wrinkly bastards!

People with disabilities and caring for a relative! "Oh, oh I can't work my back hurts and I am scared to go to work in case I get a blister. I need my wife at home to make me tea and jam sandwiches and all this space stops me getting claustrophobia!" Aaaaaghhhhh! Lazy, lazy, lazy! Get a job move into a smaller house and shut the fuck up!

Mr Osbourne you are my hero. By capping the housing benefit you will ensure we will find out who these malingerers and scroungers are, because they will be living on the streets and we can spit on them- as we merrily go to our jobs, you have protected. What makes it even better the majority of these scumbags will be living in London, where honest people have bought second homes and then charged perfectly reasonable market rents to local councils to help them house scum. Now the scum will be booted out - because landlords do not lower your rents! Once the filth is evicted lots of nice hard working people can move in. In one carefully crafted sentence Mr O, you have successful solved a problem that has been getting up my nose for a long time. I own my house as it was bought with the hard earned money that Mummy and Daddy gave me, so I will never have to beg the state to put a roof over my head - fair play parents. And now thank to you I won't have to live next to dole monkeys.

I love the budget because you give with one hand and snatch it back with the other. Hardworking people will be fine - we always are. But the parasitic filth that fills this country will get a right royal kicking. It will be great fun when I see a disabled or a pensioner laying in the street. I can make myself feel better by handing over a pound and then kicking them until they piss themselves.

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