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IQ of a spud and proud.

Sunday 20 June 2010

Cameron You are a Disgrace!

Comparing today's professional army with the people that fought two World Wars is disgraceful. You need to read up on your history Davey boy- what the fuck did they teach you at Eton?

No one can argue that today's troops face a tough time, but compared to the situations in 1914-18 and 1939-45 they have it reasonably easy. Yes, I know troops are dying which is terrible. However, today's army are not facing anything like the statistical chance of death and mutilation that the forces faced in the two World Wars - on any side or on anything like the scale. Just look at the War Memorials in every village and town. Also don't forget today's troops signed up for the army as a career choice (yes maybe not a huge choice for some but a choice none-the-less). But comparing fighting the Taliban to storming the beaches at Normandy and then fighting to Berlin, or facing horrendous odds flying endless raids over enemy airspace is no comparison at all.

Let's just imagine or a terrible moment, the body bags from the first day of the battle of the Somme turning up at Dover, if the bodies could be found, or having to read out the names of dead aircrew every morning. Hmmm, not quite the same, is it?

So Mr Cameron before you cast yourself as some twisted version of the bastard child of Vera Lynn and Churchill, in an attempt to appeal to the jingoistic ming-mongs that think recent campaigns are somehow akin to fighting for freedom or the country's very survival - think again.

It is disgraceful that you are trying to foster some kind of "blitz" spirit on the backs of dead soldiers and their suffering families, in order to fuck everyone over with budget cuts. Don't think that people are too stupid to link the two, or realise just how pathetic and revolting your call to back the troops, like we did in two World Wars, really is. You nasty ignorant little man, just look out of your window... where are the troop trains? Where are the clouds of bombers crossing our skies? Where are the endless streams of telegrams announcing the death of a loved one? Using such awful memories to get backing for y0ur ill coneived and destructive policies is repugnant. You should be ashamed of yourself and apolopgise to the few people that are left who lived through very different times.

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