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IQ of a spud and proud.

Thursday 24 June 2010

David Tredinnick!

Right, ever since this morning the name Tredinnick has been buzzing around in my head like an angry wasp in a jam jar. I heard him talking about some sort of research at the University of Texas supporting homeopathy and then Simon Singh giving him an intellectual bog wash. And then it sort of struck me- why the fuck did the Today Programme allow such a second rate buffoon onto the airwaves?

David Tredinnick is of course that Tory MP that claimed MP's expenses for astrology software - not astronomy but astrology! He has called scientist "racially prejudiced." I suspect, and am worried, that when he thinks of scientists he just sees a posh, white, middle class man in a white coat who looks a bit mental! He also took a £1000 bribe to ask a question in the House of Commons! So he is an all round doofus. Oh, he also went to Eton - what do they teach them there?

Anyway, he is convinced that Homeopathy works and he gets on the radio. How much longer do we even have to debate this bollocks? How many more times do we have to hear about the half baked trials, that trumpet they've proved it works, only to hear that they were massively flawed.

It is bad enough that the NHS peddled this quackery and spent tax payer's cash pushing it for a time! Even homeopaths changed tack a few years ago. When every real double-blind trial came up with nothing, they stopped saying it was just in the pills but in the whole treatment, the time the care the TLC - brilliant. So, it is listening, caring (which is good) and giving people pills you tell lies about - not so good! If morons want that, let them have it - but don't every dress those pills up as science. Like creationists, sure believe any old shit you like - but say it is science and you deserve to paraded round your home town with a feather stuck up your arse and the word twat tattooed on your forehead.

Why do I care? After all, on the one hand it is good that the health obsessed chattering classes waste their hard earned cash on rubbish. It also keeps them away from the NHS which is needed for people that are really ill. Obviously, they only rely on quack cures until they have something seriously wrong with them and then they are straight down to see the good old none "alternative" doctor. I care because it makes people stupid. It is just another form of mumbo jumbo that attempts to pass itself off as science. Whether it is crystals, homeopathy, reiki, psychics, creationists - I could go on, when they attempt to move from the crackpot fringe to the mainstream (usually to make money and pump up egos) it diminishes us all and takes up valuable time that could be used to discuss real science and enlighten us all.

I am no scientist but find it thrilling to try to understand the debates about dark matter and energy, quantum theory and genetics, etc. Why anyone would want to waste their time trying to prove homeopathy works or ghosts exist or that we can talk to the dead (yeah, that's another rant right there) when we don't even know what makes up most of the universe but are trying to find out WITH SCIENCE- is mental.

So Today Programme stop idiots like Tredinnick wasting our time. Talk to proper scientists and leave Tredninnick to spread is bollocks on quack TV or the Daily Mail.

Oh and this is great. James Randi explains homeopathy.


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