Home sweet home.

Home sweet home.
IQ of a spud and proud.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Poor old Chris Moyles!

I don't listen to Chris Moyles as he is a complete cunt. The fact that he thinks ripping off more talented American jocks, with his -let's chat to the crew bollocks and then surrounds himself with sycophantic dick wads is proof he sucks the big one. Complaining that he has not been paid by the Beeb is another reason.

Does he really think the BBC won't pay him? It is obviously a clumsy administrative error - although I wish it wasn't and they had come to their senses, realising they may as well flush the cash straight down the shitter. Now, I would tune into his show to hear them flush his money away a £10 note at a time, while he is crying in the background. Now that's radio.

So, Mr Moyles, no one feels sorry for you... thousands of people are losing their jobs right now and really not getting paid - you won't loose everything if you got sacked tomorrow. You wouldn't even have to get a proper job, as you could whore your arse to every second rate game show format going and that wouldn't hurt, as you proved so many times, you have no problem presenting yourself as an unimaginative, lard eating puss-bubble. So shut the fuck up!

1 comment:

  1. Didn't he cross the picket lines on successive BBC strikes then complain when his salary was cut/late before?
